Social media can be a powerful tool for REALTORS® to connect with people, build relationships and share the story of who they are, according to Katie Lance, a real estate trainer who shared her insights about “Getting Smart About Social Media” at the Illinois REALTORS® Conference & Expo in Collinsville Thursday.

Agents who are the most successful online are those who are intentional with their use of social media platforms and technology, she said.

They aren’t just throwing things against the wall and hoping it sticks. They are planning and posting consistent content, really engaging with people and are mindful that they are their brand.

But Lance also told the audience that it is important to know that in this day and age when so many people are bombarded every minute with information, knowing when to take online conversations and interactions offline can also be powerful.

“There’s nothing like face-to-face, nothing like a handwritten note, a phone call, or meeting the client for coffee and shaking their hand. When social media is done right, it only makes (offline interactions) so much better,” Lance said.

Here are a few of her quick tips for getting more out of LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram:

  • LinkedIn is the most professional network to connect with people so make sure your profile shines. Update your photo, skills and professional expertise. Brag about your designations. Post listing videos or photos that showcase your work. Give professional recommendations and ask for them in return. Having a professional and up-to-date LinkedIn page is vital since that is the social media profile that is likely to pop up first when someone Googles your name, Lance said.


  • Facebook is the most popular social media platform and a good way for consumers to connect with you as a person. Engage with others because relationships are built with small, tiny interactions over the course of time. Every comment, every share adds up. Take the plunge and try using FacebookLive or other videos because consumers spend more time with videos that other Facebook content. Because so many people watch Facebook videos with the sound off, use a captioning service such as to add captions or translations to your video, she said.


  • Instagram can be a good tool to help you tell the story behind the story and offer a behind the scenes look at you and your business. Don’t be too serious, have a little fun and show your creative side. Be consistent in your posting and and don’t give it up on it too quickly.Instagram loves hashtags. Use hashtags to brand your business, Lance said.