What a joy to hear that some broker’s are already worried about their CE! I know, you are thinking it doesn’t take much to make my day, but when broker’s are calling more than 6 months out to see how many hours they need then yes, it does make my day!
It appears that some of you got your broker’s license in the past 6 months and have checked your hours on IDFPR’s site and some of them are not showing up because now your record just shows what you are earning since you obtained your broker’s license. The good news is that just because YOU can’t see them doesn’t mean THEY can’t see them. IDFPR does have your history with your salesperson’s license so if you have a record of the courses you took, then no worries. More good news is that if you took all of your courses through your local association/IAR then they will show up on IAR’s CE look-up. So if seeing it in writing helps your anxiety then log-on and look-up!
- IAR sponsored CE credits: www.illinoisrealtor.org/LicenseLookup/OBRE_lic_prmpt.cfm
- IDFPR CE lookup: www.idfpr.com/applications/CE_Lookup/Default.aspx?CredPrefix=473
In conclusion any CE earned within the broker renewal cycle of 5/1/08 through 4/30/10 (provided you were not deficient in hours for a previous cycle) can still be used to renew your broker’s license on April 30, 2010.