Criminal Background Check Rules in Cook County

Writen by Mike Scobey |

Published: August 18, 2019 |

Reading Time: 1 min

Back in April, the Cook County Board passed an ordinance which amends the county’s human rights/fair housing law regarding how criminal history can be screened in qualifying applicants for rental housing. 

Michael Scobeyby Mike Scobey, Illinois REALTORS®
Senior Director of Local Advocacy & Global Programs

The amendment requires housing providers to take into account a variety of factors before denying an applicant based on a criminal conviction. A “blanket denial” based on a police record or certain criminal convictions would be prohibited.   

The county board directed the Human Rights Commission to develop rules on how this should be done. Illinois REALTORS® has advocated for a sensible policy which would still allow property owners to screen in a way to ensure the safety of the residents, neighbors and property.   

Check out the August podcast below to learn more about our ongoing advocacy and about the new Rules/Ordinance, which likely will go into effect on January 1, 2020.     

For more information, contact Mike Scobey at [email protected] 

Why should members engaged in property management should pay close attention to the ordinance?

About the writer: Mike Scobey is Illinois REALTORS® Senior Director of Local Advocacy & Global Programs.

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