Twenty members of the Egyptian Board of REALTORS® (EBOR) joined other community members as volunteers May 3-5 when the Moving Wall came to Marion for the first time.
The Moving Wall, a half-sized replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C., was set up for visitors at the Marion Veterans Administration Medical Center campus. Its mission is to bring healing to wounds and to educate the communities it visits, according to Veterans Administration Voluntary Service Officer Maria Sgourakis Buehler.
The replica is 375 feet in length and stands 7.5 feet high at its tallest point. It displays 58,312 names.
The event was made possible by volunteers and financial donors. Veterans Administration Medical Center campus put out a call for volunteers in March 2019. Members took on roles as greeters, wall guides, volunteer check-in/information assistance, parking lot assistants and shuttle drivers during the three-day period.
Buehler said community partners helped make the event successful.