We’ve made it easier for you to find the answers to some of your frequent license law and other legal questions.  

At the Illinois REALTOR® Winter Business Meetings, Legal Hotline Attorney Anneliese Fierstos shared a new quick reference guide highlighting some of the important legal resources REALTORS® need including copies of the Real Estate License Act, NAR’s Code of Ethics and a variety of members-only content including forms, videos and hotline information.  

You can find it all by scanning the guide’s QR code. Download a copy of the guide below so that you have the guide and QR code handy.  

You can also find the information in the Legal Services section of our website at www.IllinoisRealtors.org/legal/. Bookmark that page as one of your favorites so you can quickly find the legal resources you need. (Note: you will need to log-in to view members-only content.)

Legal Services Quick Reference thumbnail graphic