Young members are an integral part of the future growth of the REALTOR® association. That’s why IAR has joined the National Association of REALTORS® Young Professionals Network (YPN) by creating a state chapter. It is our hope to create more involvement and generate future leaders for our 50,000 member association.

The objective of Illinois’ YPN is to provide education and support and create a forum where younger Illinois REALTORS® can share ideas and network with each other—statewide—to expand their business potential.

In 2010 IAR will incorporate YPN events and education programs during its annual meetings and convention. These will provide great opportunities for us to network, share ideas and expand business connections. It also offers an opportunity for IAR leadership and staff to learn how to expand outreach activities and membership services targeted to meet our direct needs.

Stay updated on local, state and national YPN news and events at and watch for details to come on the kickoff event to be held during the IAR Spring Conference and Expo, May 5-6 in Collinsville.

Also check out videos and read the YPN Lounge blog from REALTOR® Magazine: