A new regulation passed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development is designed to help communities better meet fair housing and equal opportunity obligations, according to a story by Inman.com.
The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule was designed to address obstacles that some communities face in offering fair housing choices, such as racial, ethnic and economic segregation. The rule enhances the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
Recipients of HUD grants will now be required to develop plans to combat local segregation problems and improve integration, based on HUD’s data analysis. Their first deadline is 270 calendar days prior to the start of the program year beginning Jan. 1, 2018. Program participants must submit updated plans once every five years.
The action comes on the heels of a June 25 U.S. Supreme Court decision that held the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs liable for unintended discrimination through a concept called “disparate impact.” The ruling set a precedent for the Fair Housing Act to protect minorities from acts that unintentionally have a negative effect on their lives. Find out more.