If you’d like to get a better understanding about 2018 tax laws, including changes to tax rates, a higher standard deduction, the loss of personal exemptions and doubled child credit, you’ll want to see the National Association of REALTORS®’ (NAR) video series, “What you need to know about the new tax law.”
Join Evan Liddiard, director of federal tax policy for NAR, and Peter Baker of the Business Planning Group for the four-part series that you can digest at your own convenience. They explain how the signing of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” by President Trump in December 2017 affects you in light of new information from the IRS.
The series includes:
- Introduction and Overview,
- Major Changes for Individuals and Families,
- Modifications to Tax Incentives of Owning a Home and
- How the New Law Affects Real Estate Professionals.
For more information, go to: nar.realtor/taxreform.