Whether discussing legislation before the Illinois General Assembly and the U.S. Congress, Housing Policy or reports from all the local Governmental Affairs Directors, the Illinois REALTORS Public Policy and Governmental Affairs Major Investment Group meeting provided plenty of information for members Thursday in Naperville.
The meeting kicked off with reports from Director of Governmental Affairs Greg St. Aubin and Assistant Director Legislative and Political Affairs Julie Sullivan, then continued with presentations from Sarah Ware (Housing Opportunity Working Group), Mabel Guzman (RPIC chair) and NAR’s Shannon Burke.
The meeting concluded with an introduction by Assistant Director RVOICE and Local Advocacy Mike Scobey then messages from local Governmental Affairs Directors who gave examples of important issues in their territories: Conor Brown, Brian Bernardoni, Tom Joseph, Alex Finke, Gideon Blustein, Howard Handler, Kristi Engerman, Neil Malone and Kyle Anderson. Issues included: repealing impact fees, commercial energy bench marking, garbage reform, inspection fees, home rule and the elimination of sprinkler codes in communities that wanted to adopt 2012 International Residential Codes.