Source: Bigstock

Source: Bigstock

If you own property in Chicago, then you already know property tax bills increased substantially this year.

Real Property Alliance, Illinois REALTORS® consumer outreach arm, is working to help those impacted by these higher tax bills.

RPA is partnering with the Chicago Association of REALTORS® to help educate property owners in the city about the reason the increases are hitting home, and steps that can be taken to potentially lower taxes in the future.

Real Property Alliance has set up a Web portal with information on questions to ask as residents go through their tax bills, and offers guidance on how to navigate the process to file an appeal.

The issue is a hot one because residents in Chicago were hit with tax increases which account for a scheduled triennial reassessment and a separate increase in the tax levy which was passed in large part to pay for public safety pensions. The average increase was 12 percent in Chicago.

The foundation, which focuses on education, also is producing a video and a brochure which can be used to help explain the process and steps to take. Both will be ready soon.