Members of the REALTOR® Association of Northwestern Illinois (RANWIL) showed their community spirit in the city of Freeport this summer with $4,500 in grants and volunteer activities designed to help downtown businesses.

RANWIL and Local Governmental Affairs Director Neeley Erickson secured the grants from the National Association of REALTORS® and passed them on to those in need. One was a $1,500 NAR Placemaking Grant that will help pay for the painting of a mural on an exterior wall of a longtime downtown floral shop and the creation of a gathering area next to the mural, with benches and plantings.

Freeport-area artists Linda Vietmeyer and Mike Meade will design and paint the mural with assistance from local volunteers. The inspiration for the mural is the history of Deininger’s Floral Shop.

“I am so appreciative that the REALTORS® are partnering with us to paint a beautiful mural on the side of our family business,” said local business owner Brooke Deininger, who added that the business will celebrate its 80th anniversary in October. “This will be the perfect way to celebrate that. We love our downtown.”

The second grant was a $3,000 National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Community Rebuilding Grant to help replace windows damaged by vandals in late May. It was part of a larger fundraising effort coordinated by a local business owner that raised approximately $14,000 and helped 19 businesses with their repairs.

Several weeks after presenting the NAR Community Rebuilding Grant, a group of REALTORS® volunteered their time to help businesses reopen. (See photo gallery below.)

RANWIL president Ann Haag and Erickson worked with Freeport Mayor Jodi Miller, business owners and other REALTORS® to make the project a success. They continue to discuss opportunities to collaborate on projects that will create vibrant public spaces for residents and visitors.