The REALTOR® Association of Southwestern Illinois (RASI) hosted “Cuatro de Mayo Virtual Music Bingo” in early May and raised $1,158 for the Community Interfaith Food Pantry which serves the Belleville-Swansea area.
“We know how important the food pantry is to so many in this area and how hard the pandemic impacted their ability to serve the community”, says Celeste Wheeler, RASI President, who credited RASI’s Community Involvement Task Force with coordinating the event. REALTORS® and family members participated in the festivities.
The Community Interfaith Food Pantry is a nonprofit charitable organization governed by a board whose members are selected by the participating churches: St. Matthew United Methodist, Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic, St. Luke Catholic, St. Teresa Catholic, Christ United Church of Christ, St. Paul United Church of Christ, Westview Baptist, Peace Lutheran Church and First United Presbyterian. Additional support comes from organizations, local businesses and community members.
The pantry’s mission is to eliminate hunger within the community and to identify available resources to address the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the individuals they serve.
RASI will continue its efforts to help communities in the Metro East area. In 2020 and 2021, the local association helped the Heartlands Conservancy, Caritas Family Solutions, The Griffin Center and the Community Interfaith Food Pantry.
RASI is led by CEO Deb Frazier, President Wheeler, President-elect Karen Sheesley, Treasurer Sam Row and Immediate Past President Donna Baker. RASI serves about 1,000 members.