Help up to 5 million consumers in 22,000 communities nationwide retain access to flood insurance by taking part in a National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Call for Action which starts today. To participate, go here.
REALTORS® across the nation are urging federal lawmakers to extend the National Flood Insurance Program before it lapses on July 31. If the program lapses, many current and future homeowners could find the cost of flood insurance too high. That could have a serious impact in the real estate market.
Do your part by following directions outlined in REALTOR® Party mobile alerts, emails or by going to the REALTOR® Party webpage to send messages to policymakers. More than 20 percent of Illinois REALTORS® participated in previous Calls for Action.
REALTORS® can also ask their congressional representatives to push for more accurate flood maps and better risk mitigation policies which would help keep rates affordable.
The more REALTORS® respond to the Call for Action, the stronger the message to elected officials.
For more information on this issue, go here.