Real Property Alliance has redesigned its website, celebrating four years of providing consumers with information they need to protect private property rights.
The redesign places an emphasis on key issues Illinois property owners need to be aware of, including the impact of transfer taxes and home rule.
Since 2015, the website has identified issues that could result in tax increases for Illinois property owners. New to the site in 2018 is information on the dangers of rent control in Illinois. Rent control ballot initiatives are on the ballot in several Chicago wards Nov. 6, and efforts have been ongoing by some to implement a statewide rent control measure. See the site.
The Real Property Alliance is the non-profit, educational arm of the Illinois REALTORS® which provides insight and analysis for Illinois property owners. It seeks to provide a voice for real estate policy that promotes growth and limits taxes and regulations that make it harder to live and work in the state.
The site also provides publications and resources that can help educate property owners about a variety of issues.
Real Property Alliance provides updates on referenda statewide which can affect property taxes.