Lawmakers have a second Rent Control bill to consider in this legislative session with the addition of HB 2192.
The bill, introduced by state Rep. Mary Flowers, D-Chicago, seeks the creation of six regional Rent Control districts and corresponding Rent Control boards in the state. It also calls for repeals the Rent Control Preemption Act of 1997, which essentially outlaws the policy in the state.
Under HB 2192, these boards would have the role of setting rent thresholds, and there’s broad language in the bill that would allow these panels to create rules for evictions which include setting standards for monetary compensation and relocation assistance.
The bill is similar to legislation filed in the 2018 General Assembly.
HB 2192 joins a previously filed bill this year, HB 255. That bill also calls for doing away with the Rent Control Preemption Act of 1997.
Illinois REALTORS® is against any form of Rent Control due to the impact the measures would have on private property rights. The association has long held that Rent Control will actually reduce the number of affordable housing units in the state, and could discourage future investment in affordable housing by developers.
Rent Control would have a negative effect on property valuation, resulting in shortfalls in property tax revenue. This could lead to increased property tax bills and other fees as governments struggle to fund public services.
Of special concern is that HB 2192, filed Thursday, would create more layers of bureaucracy in a state which leads the nation in units of government. And more layers of bureaucracy typically translates into more costs for taxpayers.
Illinois REALTORS® has set up a website with information about the dangers of rent control, and has produced a fact sheet that quickly tells of the perils of this policy.