REALTORS® who want to help friends and community members share safety information can pass along earthquake preparedness tips from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA). In February, IEMA is offering earthquake safety tips on its Facebook page.
IEMA uses the phrase “Drop, Cover and Hold On” to help Illinoisans respond to an earthquake. “Drop” reminds people to lower themselves to their hands and knees to prevent a fall. “Cover” suggests that people seek safety from falling objects under a sturdy desk, table or other furniture. “Hold On” recommends people hold on to and move with the sturdy furniture until the shaking ends.
Other ideas offered by the IEMA to prevent injuries and property damage include:
- learning how to shut off electricity, natural gas and water lines in case they are damaged,
- strapping large appliances and water heaters to wall studs,
- strapping computers, televisions and other heavy equipment to prevent tipping,
- anchoring overhead light fixtures,
- fastening shelves to walls studs and
- securing latches on cabinet doors.
In addition, IEMA is encouraging people to register homes, businesses, schools and organizations in the world’s largest earthquake drill. This year’s drill is scheduled for 10:17 a.m. Oct. 17. For more information, visit
For more safety information on a variety of situations, visit