Title Insurance Agent Question
There is a letter circulating in northern Illinois encouraging real estate brokers to become title insurance agents. On the question as to whether a person can be a real estate broker and a title insurance agent, the answer is a qualified yes. That person can wear both hats subject to certain restrictions under both Illinois law and the federal RESPA regulations. Companies must also make their own policies and procedures for these types of situations.
There is still a prohibition against payment of referral fees to real estate agents for the mere referring of title or any settlement services. This is true under Illinois law and RESPA. However, there is no prohibition in either IL Real Estate License Act (RELA) or the IL Title Insurance Act (TIA) against one person being authorized to do both businesses (as a real estate licensee under RELA or as a registered title agent under TIA). A properly registered title agent, who is also a real estate broker, can do distinct and unique work on behalf of the title company in exchange for compensation. This work must be more than a “naked” referral, and must be work that is different than that of a real estate broker. Federal regulation says that, in order for the real estate agent to receive compensation as a title insurance agent, he or she must perform “core title services,” such as the evaluation of the title search to determine insurability and the issuance of a title commitment, separate and apart from the services provided as a real estate agent.
Each company, the real estate brokerage and title company, must have policies and procedures in place. Written disclosures will be required under all relevant laws and REALTOR Code of Ethics. If there is common ownership, there will be affiliated business disclosures required as well.
Anyone who is considering the dual roles described above, is highly encouraged to seek the advice of legal counsel along with the consent of their respective employers before doing so. Written disclosures must be made if the person will be compensated for work done under each of their different “hats.”
About the writer: Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Urbance, General Counsel and Vice President of Legal Services has served the association’s members as General Counsel since 2018 and prior to that she was Legal Hotline Attorney since 1994. Urbance is a 1984 graduate of Western Illinois University and received her law degree from the University of Missouri School of Law in 1987. She is licensed in both Illinois and Missouri.