Join colleagues from across the state Wednesday and Thursday at the Gateway Center in Collinsville for the Illinois REALTORS® Conference & Expo.
REALTORS® can register at the walk-in rate of $149 if they print the special coupon and present it on arrival in Collinsville. Full price walk-in rate is $159. Get the coupon, the detailed agenda and more.
Wednesday highlights
The Conference & Expo opens with Chandra Hall’s session, “Stop Selling. Start Solving™,” then offers multiple breakout sessions, lunch and Core A Fair Housing training with Lynn Madison. The day winds down with back-to-back events: the REALTOR® Networking Reception and the YPN Networking Reception. The Expo, with 65 industry vendors, offers products and services for most of the day.
Thursday highlights
The second day kicks off with the Legal Update with Illinois REALTORS® Legal Team ($22 ticket required), general session with Monica Neubauer “Change is the New Norm,” a breakout session and continuing education with Mark Given, “Trust Based Success.” The Expo will be open all morning, then offer lunch and prize drawings.
Illinois REALTORS® offers more information online, including a list of sponsors.