If you’d like a late veteran to be honored at the Illinois State Capitol for his or her military service this summer, please submit a photograph and a brief description of their story to the Illinois State Capitol Memorial Day Remembrance Wall project by Monday, May 23.
Submissions submitted by the deadline will be displayed on the Remembrance Wall in the State Capitol Rotunda from May 26 through July 4. The project is sponsored by the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs and the Senate Republicans.
You can submit information about the veteran family member or friend via email at [email protected] or by U.S. Postal Service (Memorial Day Remembrance Wall, 309G State House, Springfield, IL 62706. If you have questions, call 217-782-1650.
Written descriptions should be limited to 250 words and include the following information: name, military branch (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy) and the conflict served (Afghanistan, Iraq, Sept. 11, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea, Word War I, World War II, peacetime, other). Military photos are preferred but not necessary.
See video examples of the 2015 Remembrance Wall and why it’s important to remember true American heroes.