March 25, 2022 State Capitol Report
Capitol Conference is here!
On Tuesday morning, the Illinois REALTORS® annual Capitol Conference will kick off with Speaker of the House Chris Welch welcoming nearly 400 REALTORS® to Springfield. During this year’s Capitol Conference members will be provided an inside look into our advocacy efforts and programs. Due to the Capitol’s strict COVID restrictions, the day will be a little different from past events but in following with the REALTOR® spirit, nothing keeps REALTORS® away from their advocacy. Thank you for your engagement and efforts in protecting the real estate industry and private property rights! We cannot wait to see you on our most impactful advocacy day of the year.
This Week in Springfield
Both the Senate and House were in Springfield for session this week. The House is now allowing the option of in-person or virtual hearings. The Senate only provides for in-person hearings and requires a negative COVID test. In what we believe to be the “calm before the storm” as we are very close to the end of this session, there was very little substantive legislative floor action in both the House and the Senate. We are fully expecting a heavy amount of legislative action in the coming weeks.
Key legislation that became law this week
Active Bills
Your Illinois REALTORS® Legislative Team remains focused on all last-minute amendments and discussions for bills that might be seeing action in the final 11 days of session. The following bills are “Active Bills” that the Illinois REALTORS® Legislative Team fully expect to be addressing in the last two weeks of session.
Next Week At A Glance
Keeping the spirit of “March Madness” and like we mentioned above with the slower paced legislative action this week, we are fully anticipating the end of session rush or “madness” to close out the year. Your Illinois REALTORS® Legislative team remain vigilant on all issues that affect the real estate industry and private property rights. STAY TUNED.