(l to r) Doug Carpenter and Mike Drews reveal the winning name in the RPAC Raffle at the Pro Standards Workshop Tuesday.

RPAC raffles at the Illinois REALTORS® Professional Standards Workshops raised nearly $11,000.

Last year, our REALTOR® PAC helped elect pro-REALTOR®, pro-business candidates to public office, stopped efforts to expand sales tax to professional services and advertising as well as efforts to expand home rule in several communities.

In the year ahead, we will fight to protect the mortgage interest deduction and vigorously oppose potential changes to the standard deduction and the elimination of most individual deductions, which would eliminate the tax advantages of homeownership.

Jessica Devore of Green Acres Real Estate in Clinton and REALTOR® Judy Panozzo of Real People Realty, Inc., in Mokena won RPAC Raffles Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Local Governmental Affairs Director and Member Outreach Manager Gideon Blustein received help from the following volunteers at the workshops: REALTORS® Jayme Ahlden, Karen Barbagallo, Doug Carpenter, Mike Drews, Mike Gross, Jim Haisler, Carol Meinhart, Mike Oldenettel, Judy Panozzo, Matt Persicketti, Karen Robertson, Madelyn Staack and Steve Volkodav. Thanks to every REALTOR® who contributed to the raffles with their time and money.

(Disclaimer: The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) solicits contributions from Illinois REALTORS® members only.)