The Egyptian Board of REALTORS® (EBOR) helped fund the painting of a mural in downtown Murphysboro this fall.
A $500 donation from EBOR and a $5,000 Smart Growth Grant from the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) helped underwrite the costs of commissioning the first mural from the “Revitalize 62966 – Arts in the Community” committee. The slogan “Welcome to Murphysboro, as American as apple pie,” uses images of local areas of interest within the borders of the letters in the city’s name. The annual Apple Festival, John A. Logan, the Riverside Park Band Shell, the Big Muddy Monster, a train depot and the historic downtown area are among the items featured in the mural. Christine DeShazo is the lead artist.
REALTORS® presented a check to Murphysboro leaders and representatives of the Jackson County Growth Alliance earlier this year to help with the Murphysboro Revitalization Project. Goals of the project include the development of a bungalow district and enhancement of its downtown, says Illinois REALTORS® Governmental Affairs Director Ron Deedrick.
Founded in 1867 in Jackson County, Murphysboro has approximately 9,500 residents.
The Egyptian Board of REALTORS® is led by CEO Charay Palmer, President Ayn Bartok, President-elect Mark Terry, Treasurer Stewart Weisenberger and Immediate Past President Cynthia Bevis. The local association has 500 members.