REALTORS® can play a critical role in identifying and reducing the negative consequences of local ordinances, says Illinois REALTORS® Local Governmental Affairs Director Ron Deedrick.
For example, Illinois REALTORS® is fighting the effects of municipal inspections in eight communities located in the service areas of the Egyptian Board of REALTORS®, the Greater Gateway Association of REALTORS® and the REALTOR® Association of Southwestern Illinois. Since municipal inspections slow transactions, and in some extreme cases, kill deals, Illinois REALTORS® is working to make the inspection process more user-friendly for REALTORS® and their clients.
The city of Lebanon was charging $225 (and possibly even more depending on square footage of the structure) for its municipal inspections. In response, we engaged the community and got these outsized fees reduced. Now the most expensive inspection will top out at $100. One large municipality has an 89-point suggested guide list. We are attempting to create a simpler checklist, but it has been a challenging, months-long process.
So, why all this inspection talk?
Even though local government affairs directors would like to be at all local government meetings, they can’t. So, they need to hear from REALTORS® about the issues they face in their communities. Had it not been for my Illinois REALTOR® outreach visits and presentations at member offices, I wouldn’t know about the mind-numbing number of items our members’ clients are getting dinged for during municipal inspections.
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