The Illinois REALTORS® Relief Foundation (IRRF) is accepting aid applications for Gibson City flooding victims following heavy rains last Thursday.
Gibson City received 11 inches of rain, with water covering roads, flooding yards and basements and forcing some residents from their homes. A power outage temporarily shut down the water treatment plant and thwarted residents’ efforts to protect their belongings. A shelter was established for displaced residents and stranded motorists at Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley Middle School. Some Gibson City businesses were closed, too.
The IRRF assistance is for people living in Gibson City and the aid is limited to providing housing relief of up to $500 per household.
The deadline to apply is Nov. 30, 2021. Assistance is available to qualified applicants. Please see the online application for more detailed information.
IRRF is the Illinois REALTORS® disaster assistance foundation. It has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to assist Illinois residents.